Cybersecurity Compliance for Financial Services Companies

All non-bank financial services companies need to comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information in order to attain Cyber Safety.

CyberCatch provides the most effective cybersecurity compliance solution.

Cybersecurity Compliance for Financial Services Companies

All non-bank financial services companies need to comply with the Federal Trade Commission’s (FTC) Standards for Safeguarding Customer Information in order to attain Cyber Safety.

CyberCatch provides the most effective cybersecurity compliance solution.

All Financial Services Companies are high-value targets of cyber attackers and the impact is severe.

64% of ransomware attacks are targeted at financial institutions

Ransom payments demanded frequently are over $1 million

On average $5.9 million is the cost of a data breach, 28% more for a financial services company than others

All Financial Services Companies are high-value targets of cyber attackers and the impact is severe.

64% of ransomware attacks are targeted at financial institutions

Ransom payments demanded frequently are over $1 million

On average $5.9 million is the cost of a data breach, 28% more for a financial services company than others

Recent News

As a financial services company, you need to implement cybersecurity controls to be safe.

As a financial services company, you need to implement cybersecurity controls to be safe.

The Federal Trade Commission’s Safeguards Rule requires you to implement cybersecurity controls to protect customer data from potential breaches or compromise, and to report a cybersecurity incident to the FTC.

Customer data refers to “any nonpublic personal information a customer gives to an organization.” 

You must develop, implement, and maintain an information security program with administrative, technical, and physical safeguards designed to protect customer information.

Under the FTC's Rule, the following are some of the financial services companies that must comply:

Under the FTC's Rule, the following are some of the financial services companies that must comply:

The FTC can impose penalties of up to $100,000 per violation.

You need to complete a compliance assessment and implement the required cybersecurity controls. You must also now report a cybersecurity incident to the FTC.

The FTC can impose penalties of up to $100,000 per violation.

You need to complete a compliance assessment and implement the required cybersecurity controls. You must also now report a cybersecurity incident to the FTC.

The Solution

CyberCatch’s FTC Compliance Manager

Now you can quickly complete the compliance assessment accurately and document attainment of compliance and attain cyber safety.

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