Incident Response: Secrets to Success Revealed by FBI and Top Cybersecurity Experts

Incident Response: Secrets to Success Revealed by FBI and Top Cybersecurity Experts

It is not a question of IF, but WHEN an incident will happen. Unfortunately, most organizations do not have in place an effective incident response system, as being discovered in recent cyberattack cases.

Listen to the 20 minutes-Podcast to learn how to detect incidents and respond effectively in order to prevent a data theft or ransomware attack from being successful.

Find out from an FBI cybersecurity expert and two other top experts how to implement a highly effective incident response system in your organization, based on learnings from recent blockbuster cyberattack cases, such as APT 40 and others.

The “must-have” critical components of a highly effective incident response plan and system are revealed that have been proven to be effective to mitigate risk of a successful data theft and ransomware.

In this Podcast you will learn:

  • How cyber attackers such as APT 40 and others are being successful

  • How an effective incident response system could have blocked the attacks

  • Secrets of how to implement a highly effective incident response plan and system

  • Learnings from recent cyberattacks and each of the critical components necessary to defend against a successful data theft and ransomware

  • Risk mitigation action steps you need to take now

In this Podcast you will learn:

  • How cyber attackers such as APT 40 and others are being successful

  • How an effective incident response system could have blocked the attacks

  • Secrets of a how to implement a highly effective incident response plan and system

  • Learnings from the recent cyberattacks and each of the critical components to defend against a successful data theft and ransomware

  • Risk mitigation action steps you need to take now

About the experts delivering the Podcast

  • Sai Huda, globally recognized cybersecurity expert, author of the best-selling book, Next Level Cybersecurity, co-author of Canada’s national cybersecurity standard and founder and CEO, CyberCatch.

  • Nicolas Arico, Supervisory Special Agent in Charge, FBI, Supervisor of Cyber National Security Squad, Leader of FBI's APT 40 Investigation

  • Andy Kim, VP, CISO, CyberCatch, one of the leading CISOs globally, former CISO, Allstate, Head of Cybersecurity Consulting, FIS, and Cybersecurity Leader, Citigroup.

Register now to listen to the Podcast. In 20 minutes or so, you will identify action steps to take your incident response plan and system to the next level to mitigate cyber risk and stay safe.

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